I currently work at Salmoiraghi S.p.A. as Software Development Manager in the automation field.
I studied engineering at Politecnico di Milano getting the M.Sc. in Aeronautical Engineering and later on a Master in Management for Digital Innovation at MIP (Politecnico di Milano Business School).
In the meanwhile I spent two years working at SISSA (Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati), focusing on numerical modelling and applied mathematics.
Thanks to my mixed background, I am always looking for new technological challenges, both from the technical and strategic point of views, that can be plugged in into the automation field.
Filippo Salmoiraghi
Salmoiraghi Automatic Handling S.p.A.• October 2016 - Ongoing
My main job is, on one hand, to manage the software engineers work (and mine as well) and, on the other, contribute technically to the development and commissioning of systems worldwide.
Thanks to a strong interaction and collaboration within our team, we are able to complete the activities according to specifications and respecting budgeted time and costs.
Main Activities:
SISSA• September 2014 - September 2016
I worked in the Underwater Blue Efficiency project framework, investigating and developing several software programs related to geometrical parametrization, model order reduction and fluid dynamics simulations.
For these tasks, I designed and contributed to two openSource software libraries: PyGem and EZyRB.
Goal: define the optimal geometries of the exhaust manifold with respect to emissions efficiency and vibration
reduction through numerical simulations.
Partners: Monte Carlo Yachts, OPTIMAD Engineering, University of Udine and Cergol Engineering (among others).
Find out more in portfolio section.
SISSA mathLab• September 2013 - April 2014
I spent 8 months working on the M.Sc. Thesis.
Topics: shape parametrization, reduce order models, computational fluid dynamics, isogeometric analysis.
MIP and Cefriel•May 2017 - May 2019
Thesis: A priori and a posteriori performance analysis of industrial automatic systems
Advisors: William Fornaciari and Stefano Golfari
Politecnico di Milano•April 2014
Thesis: Reduced-order models for potential flows past parametrized NACA airfoils based on an Isogeometric boundary element method
Advisors: Maurizio Quadrio and Andrea Manzoni
Thesis written in collaboration with the SISSA mathLab group of applied mathematics in Trieste.
Politecnico di Milano• September 2011
Here some of my professional skills.
MindSphere World•July 2018 - Ongoing
Topics: Building and developing IoT ecosystems; Support in developing and improving technical solutions and in tapping new markets in the digital economy; Contact with public and private institutions for shaping public opinion and making decisions
Sick AG•Nov 2022 - Feb 2023
PHD4PMI, SISSA, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Scuola Normale Superiore, IUSS, Gran Sasso Science Institute, IMT•Aug 2020 - Sep 2020
Topics: Innovative approaches and models in Data Science and Mathematical Modeling for port logistics towards greater efficiency, sustainability and better environmental impact.
Università di Pavia and Salmoiraghi Automatic Handling S.p.A.•September 2018 - March 2020
Title: Theoretical implementation of people detection algorithms for machine control
Student: Bharath Kumar Siliveru
Advisor: Luca Lombardi
Co-Advisors: Lalo Magni and Filippo Salmoiraghi
SISSA, Politecnico di Milano, Università di Padova and Università di Pavia•January 2016 - December 2016
Topics: Reduction techniques for computational reduction for applied sciences
SIMAI•September 2016
Title: Reduced Order Methods for Automotive and Nautical applications
Institut d'Études Scientifiques de Cargèse•September 2016
Topics: Numerical methods for PDEs
Consulta Regionale Ordine Ingegneri Lombardia and Consiglio Nazionale Ingegneri•June 2016
Title: Il calcolo scientifico per migliorare la qualità della vita: dall'innovazione industriale alla salute
SISSA, Politecnico di Torino, Università degli Studi di Brescia and Università di Pavia•January 2015 - December 2015
Topics: Computational reduction techniques for fluid dynamics and fluid-structures interaction problems
MoRePas•October 2015
Title: Isogeometric analysis based reduced order modelling for incompressible viscous flows in parametrized shapes: applications to underwater shape design
Dobbiaco•June 2015
Topics: Innovative concepts for complexity reduction in numerical PDEs: nonlinear approximation, sparsity, adaptivity, model reduction
COST and EU-MORNET•February 2015
Topics: Innovative concepts for complexity reduction in numerical PDEs: nonlinear approximation, sparsity, adaptivity, model reduction
SISSA•October 2014
Topics: Reduced Basis Isogeometric Boundary Element Methods for the real-time simulation of flows around parametrized NACA airfoils
Here it is a list of the most read and cited scientific articles. For a complete list, check out the Google Scholar webpage.
Interface between operators and machines to perform tasks such as: Manual movements; Alarm analysis and recovery; Axes setup; Overview of current operations and configuration; Input and Output control.
HMI, Machine Control, Video Pages
Development of supervision platforms to manage fleet of vehicles/machines and control the traffic. The system interface, on one side, with the factory (PLCs and installed equipment) for machines handling and on the other side with customer software tools (ERP, MES) for tasks creation and notification. It can work also in autonomous way without any interaction with external tools.
Integrated database allows to store the data for logging and report creation purposes.
Simulation is nowadays becoming a crucial approach to every engineering project, allowing to reduce go-live time, costs and uncertainties: from ideas to applications better and faster!
Here you can find multiple examples of simulation applications: port logistic, automatic handling system and real-time bobbin nesting algorithm.
At this link you can also find a basic nesting web application exploiting Python and Docker container.
The success in exploiting the big amount of data collected by machines and system pass through a good analysis and visualization. Synoptics and charts help customer in every-day management of systems, as well as in finding unexpected behaviours, supporting designers in the review and optimization of current and future projects.
In theory, there is not difference between theory and reality. In reality, there is.
AGV technology and use is booming in last year thanks also to their versatility that is suitale for every kind of automation project. One of the main factors that lead to market growth is for sure the e-commerce market.
In the pictures you can see some applications of AGV technology for the handling of a variety of loading units: carts, pallets, bobbins, drums and rolls.
Application developed and used to extract data out of the plant building, move them to the cloud and exploit them to implement several tasks, such as: Remote monitoring; Preventive maintenance; Advanced production reports; Performance optimization; Failure analysis; Remote assistance.
IoT, Industry 4.0Interface between operators and automatic database-based management system to perform tasks such as: Control and monitoring of the system; Product tracking; Enable/disable devices; Change the state of the system; Manual creation of the missions.
The operator digitally selects, the system physically reacts.
Applications of novel data sciences paradigms such as computer vision, deep learning and neural networks to implement automatic tasks spanning from automatic quality control to automatic alignment and people detection.
Computer Vision, Deep learning, Neural Networks, Keras, OpenCV, Raspberry PiShape parametrization of the bulb performed through Free-Form Deformation (FFD). The starting geometry is a CAD file of DTMB-5415 hull.
PyGeM, Naval EngineeringShape parametrization of the bumper performed through Free-Form Deformation (FFD). The starting geometry is an openFoam mesh file of of the drivAer model.
PyGeM, Automotive Engineering, OPTIMAD EngineeringCFD simulations for the drag prediction. The two pictures correspond to two different shape of the bulbous bow.
CFD, Naval Engineering, Deal.IIShape parametrization of the exhaust gasses device on a MCY yacht through Free-Form Deformation (FFD). Starting from the original shape, FFD allows to generate a class of possible new configurations.
PyGeM, Nautical EngineeringPressure coefficient for different NACA airfoils: comparison among Isogeometric Analysis Boundary Element Method (IGA-BEM), experimental data (Exp), Xfoil, Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) and Greedy Reduced-Basis Method (Greedy-RB).
Reduced order models, aerospace Engineering, IGAPyGeM is a python library using Free Form Deformation to parametrize and morph complex geometries. It is ideally suited for actual industrial problems, since it allows to handle: Computer Aided Design files (in .iges and .stl formats), mesh files (in .unv and OpenFOAM formats) and generic output files (in .vtk format). By now, it has been used with meshes with up to 14 milions of cells. In this section of my personal webpage you can see PyGeM at work on different applications.
Shape parametrization, pythonEZyRB is a python library for Model Order Reduction. It is based only on the outputs coming from your CFD simulations (for a bunch of different parameters configurations). It returns a real-time evaluation of the output for every new parameters values. The parameters can be both physical and geometrical ones. It works both with scalar output and field output (both scalar and vectorial). The library is at a very early stage development. Still, you can check out some results in this section.
Model Order Reduction, pythonModel Order reduction performed with EZyRB library. This technique decreases the computational time required for the CFD simulation on the parametric model from 6 hours on parallel supercomputer facilities to fractions of section on a laptop. The reduction is performed on the pressure and wall stresses computed on the surface of the car, from which we can easily extract the forces acting on the car. In the top figures you can see the reconstruction of these two fields, whereas in the bottom ones you can see the first four modes to be combined to get the pressure and wall stresses.
CFD, EZyRB, openFoam, OPTIMAD Engineering